The construction industry and buildings consume about 40% of all energy and release about 30% of all carbon dioxide (CO2e) emissions. About half of these emissions comes from heating, but when buildings become more energy efficient, the meaning of materials and the construction process become more important. When this change is combined with the requirements of the circular economy, we will face a new era in the construction industry.
The EU has decided that it will reach carbon neutrality by 2050. Finland has a more ambitious target to become carbon neutral by 2035 and the City of Joensuu already by 2030. Ambitious targets have been set, and this creates further requirements on all levels. In legislation guiding construction, CO2e emission levels for buildings will be established by the year 2025.
The SBTCP project aims to build a practice oriented community through cross-border research collaboration and expertise sharing. The focus of activities will be on sustainable and low-carbon building technologies, keeping timber in the central part to achieve these goals.
Project Timeline
The SBTCP project started it’s journey on 2021 and received 100% funding with a budget of 639 783 € from the Ministry of Education of Finland. The project kick-started from Beginning of 2022.

At a Glance
The SBTCP project is a strong collaborative approach by three partnering universities: Karelia University of Applied Sciences, Finland; Salzburg University of Applied Sciences, Austria and Jade University of Applied Sciences, Germany. The project is focusing on building an expert orientated community and developing common platform for research infrastructure for up to date cross-border expertise sharing concentrating on timber construction and wood products.